Why We Build Temples

The Church has started publishing a video series called Mormon Messages on Youtube and among those are the two embedded below about why we build temples and the blessings that are received through the temple.

My wife and I have began doing temple work for our family. My side has been mostly done and still requires some more work for the furthest back and outward of my family tree. We've just begun baptisms and are working through those of the names we have. My wife's side is completely untouched except for her grandmothers, grandfathers, and a couple of uncles that have passed away. We have a lot of geneology work to do for her family as she is a first-generation convert. It's been exciting to do the work for those who you can trace to and possibly share a surname with. It's felt a little more significant for me knowing a little better those whose work we are doing. They're not complete strangers, anyway.

Here's those two videos that I recommend watching to better understand the purpose of temples:

Mormon Messages: Why Mormons Build Temples

Mormon Messages: The Blessings of the Temple
